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網頁設計 | 加拿大 南林山光明寺
- 光明山南林寺為台灣南林尼僧苑 (nanlin.org) 的分道場。由上惟下俊和尚尼 (dbecs.org/?page_id=854)。創建,本著「以戒學為基、以如來藏為宗、以彌陀淨土為歸」。紹隆佛種於海外、令正法扎根於西土,在加拿大成立。期透過僧伽教育結合社區教育,倡導精神道德的提升,透過佛法與戒法的教育及行持,法化西土。弘揚佛法 . 利益眾生。導以因果,持戒念佛,使人心歸正,社會淨化,終歸極樂,巧入無生。
- Dakinava Buddhist Educational and Cultural Society (DBECS) is a registered Buddhist religious charitable organization, working for human wellness through religious education and community services.
- DBECS was founded in Victoria, BC, in 1995; bought the present property, and moved to Mission in 2018. DBECS is associated with the Daksinavana Bhiksuni Samgha Ashram (DBSA, founded in 1982) in Taiwan and the Daksinavana Institute of Buddhist Studies (DIBS, 1993).
- DBSA, also known as the Nanlin Temple in Taiwan, inherited Buddha’s rules of life and advanced a professional development school in Buddhist vinaya and sutra studies. The temple has received numerous awards and nominations for her dedication to religious education and community services.
- 台灣南林尼僧苑 景觀相簿:mindspa.tw/types/nanlin/